
With your busy schedule, you don’t have time to deal with a painful cavity, broken tooth, or infected gums. That’s why our team at Sunny Dental recommends taking advantage of our preventive services, which can help you avoid these problems before they cause damage to your smile. Just two checkups each year for preventive dentistry in Lancaster, TX, along with diligent oral care at home, can keep your smile cavity-free for the long term. Are you ready to schedule your next checkup and cleaning? Give us a call today.
Each patient—no matter their age—needs to attend at least two checkups and cleanings per year. During these appointments our hygienists remove stubborn plaque and tartar from areas of the mouth that are difficult to clean on your own. In addition, our dentists perform routine examinations and then identify and take care of minor problems as early as possible, which leads to better oral health and lower dental care costs.
Fluoride is a mineral that is added to most oral healthcare products. It’s even added to most public water sources. Why? It fortifies the enamel and makes it significantly more resistant to decay. After your dental cleaning, we will coat your teeth with a highly concentrated, strong fluoride paste which provides cavity protection until your next appointment, i.e., up to six months.
Learn More About Fluoride Treatment
Do you suffer from jaw pain or headaches in the morning? If the answer is yes, you may have bruxism, or the tendency to unconsciously grind teeth and clench your jaw during sleep. But you can do something about this habit! We can provide a custom nightguard that will allow your jaw muscles to relax and keep your teeth from touching. As you wear this oral appliance at night, you’ll be able to preserve your smile and have less pain.
Are you and your loved ones getting the best daily care with the right toothpaste, toothbrush, and mouthwash? With seemingly endless options available, it can be challenging to find the right products for everyone in the family. At your next checkup and cleaning, we can look at your teeth and recommend ones that can most benefit your smile. That way, your oral hygiene routines can be more successful.