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5 Ways to Prevent Dental Emergencies This Summer

June 9, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sunnydental @ 1:58 pm
family jumping together on the beach during summer vacation

School’s over, the weather is warmer, and the days are longer — it’s time to enjoy the freedoms of summer! Your family may have begun making a list of all the activities to do and adventures to go on. While the sunny season is an exciting time for everyone, your oral health could be at risk if you don’t take proper precautions. The last thing you want is a trip to your emergency dentist to ruin the fun. Read on for five ways you can prevent dental emergencies this summer.


Can the Summer Sun Benefit Your Smile?

May 20, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sunnydental @ 5:54 pm
an old car parked on a beach with a surfboard resting on it

Summer sunshine is the activating ingredient for your body to produce different vitamins and nutrients that are crucial to your physical and mental wellbeing. But, did you know that it also offers a wide variety of advantages for your smile, too? By sunbathing (while making sure to protect your skin and lips, of course), you can benefit your whole body! Read on to learn how catching rays is a healthy and fun way to make the most out of this season.


Does Chewing Gum Lead to Fewer Cavities?

April 7, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sunnydental @ 9:37 pm
Woman chewing gum

How often do you like to chew gum? You see it every time that you are in the line to check out at your local gas station, grocery store, and pharmacy, so it is very easy to come by. Even though it is sugary and sweet tasting, this doesn’t mean that is necessarily poses risks for your oral health. In fact, chewing gum actually provides you with a variety of different benefits for your smile, including reducing your risk for cavities! Continue reading to learn how this sweet treat is giving your mouth an advantage!


Why Enamel Wear Is a Big Deal

March 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sunnydental @ 11:26 pm
Woman experiencing enamel wear

Bacteria, acid, sugar, and different temperatures are just a few of the many things that your teeth are fighting against on a daily basis. Your protective enamel is responsible for keeping the softer, more sensitive parts of your teeth safe from harm. Without it, the center of your teeth would not have any protect from the outside world. Even though your enamel is the strongest part of your entire body, it isn’t indestructible, and unfortunately, it doesn’t grow back. Continue reading to learn about some of the causes of enamel wear, why it is harmful, and what you can do to keep it from happening to you.


What is the Difference Between Fillings and Dental Crowns?

February 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sunnydental @ 5:09 pm
diagram of fillings and dental crowns

Both dental crowns and fillings are used for the purpose of fixing a tooth that has been damaged in some way, but the specific needs they serve are different. From the materials they are made out of to the levels of damage they are suited for, they have multiple distinguishable features. Keep reading to learn more about their various characteristics and the benefits of each.


Do You Have Dental Anxiety? Here are 9 Ways to Beat It!

January 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sunnydental @ 1:10 am
woman biting nails from dental anxiety

For many people, the thought of visiting the dentist can be a little unnerving. So if you’re part of this population, don’t beat yourself up. According to a recent study conducted by DentaVox, 61 percent of the participants suffered from some form of dental anxiety. But wait, the story doesn’t end here. It turns out there are effective methods for overcoming your apprehensions. Read on to learn about 9 ways to beat your dental anxiety!


No Insurance? Choose a Dental Savings Plan!

December 19, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sunnydental @ 10:14 pm
Woman smiling after getting dental savings plan in Lancaster

January is a time of change! With the new year almost here, many are reevaluating their health, lifestyle, diet, job, and more. Especially in 2020, people have been forced to make changes because of COVID-19. Whether it’s an occupational transition, or a financial decision, you may find yourself without insurance coverage in 2021. However, there is no need to worry! The good news is that at Sunny Dental, we offer an affordable and effective in-house dental savings plan in Lancaster. Read on to learn more about our savings plan and why it’s a refreshing alternative to traditional insurance.


5 Ways to Maximize Your Dental Benefits Before the Year Ends

November 12, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sunnydental @ 2:48 am

Are you one of the millions of Americans out there who has dental insurance? This monthly investment is a great way to set yourself up to get more affordable dental care, but there are additional ways for you to maximize your coverage and get the most out of your money. Your dentist is here to help you out. Continue reading to learn about the best ways to maximize dental insurance benefits before the end of the year.


7 Tooth-Healthy Snacks for Kids

October 1, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sunnydental @ 12:00 am
Boy eating yogurt

As easy as it is to break out the potato chips or heat up the snacks you have in the freezer, often times, this isn’t good for your child’s body or their smile. Foods that tend to be high in sugars and carbohydrates are great at causing cavities. No child wants to spend extra time in the dental chair getting fillings. Continue reading for some tooth-healthy alternative snacks from your children’s dentist in Lancaster.


How to Beat Dental Anxiety

September 2, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sunnydental @ 8:48 pm
Woman with dental anxiety

Do you struggle with dental anxiety? This issue is more common than you may think. In fact, over 30 million Americans don’t go in for their regular checkups due to fear or anxiety. Sometimes this is related to a previous negative experience, fear of pain, or just feeling embarrassed. However, regular dental visits are crucial for optimal oral health. Aside from sedation dentistry, your dentist shares some tips that can help making your next dental appointment more manageable.

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