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The Hazards of Chewing Ice (And Why You Can’t Seem to Stop)

March 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — sunnydental @ 1:05 am
someone biting down on a piece of ice

Spring has officially begun, which means that temperatures are already starting to rise and people are looking to cool off however they can. One way that people tend to do that is by chewing ice, which can cause dentists a little bit of concern this time of year.

While it can be satisfying, ice chewing can cause all kinds of problems for your oral health, including some serious dental emergencies. Here are a few examples, and what you can do to kick the habit.

The Dangers of Ice Chewing

Some people can’t get enough of the satisfying crunch that comes with ice chewing, but your teeth aren’t really well-suited to grinding up something that cold or hard. As a result, chewing ice can cause a wide variety of problems:

  • Chips and cracks from biting down on something too hard.
  • Enamel erosion from the ice scraping against the teeth. Ironically, this can eventually lead to sensitivity to hot and cold foods.
  • Damage to dental work, like broken fillings or popped brackets.
  • Sore jaw. This can become a more serious condition known as TMJ, which causes chronic pain and jaw popping while chewing.

Why do People Chew Ice?

Despite these risks, some people just can’t seem to get enough of chewing ice. While this may come down to just liking how it feels, studies have shown that ice chewing is unusually prevalent among people with anemia, i.e. a lack of iron in the diet.

While the exact connection isn’t clear, it’s theorized that chewing ice can ease some of the oral inflammation that comes from an iron deficiency.

Ways to Kick the Habit

If you can’t seem to stop chewing ice, it may be worth talking to your doctor about whether you’re suffering from anemia. They may be able to prescribe you iron supplements or talk to you about ways that you can get it from food in your diet.

Finally, you might try some more tooth-healthy ways of cooling off. Try going for a dip in the pool, drinking more cold water, or just staying in the A/C whenever you can. While chewing ice may be satisfying, your dentist will thank you if you’re able to break the habit.

About Our Practice

At Sunny Dental, we like to keep things simple. With every patient we see we have one thing on our mind—ensuring that they get the highest quality of oral healthcare in an environment that will put them at ease. Whether you need just a regular checkup or want to completely transform your smile, everyone on our dental team will work together to ensure that you get the care that you need.

If you have any questions about dental emergencies, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (469) 765-8050.

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